Happy Easter!

During this Easter season, may the resurrection of our Savior fill your hearts with abundant blessings, peace, and everlasting joy. Let us come together as a community to rejoice in the triumph of life over death, light over darkness, and love over all.

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We are Boston’s Basilica.
A Community of Faith.

The Basilica is a diverse community that strives to nurture a strong, open, and inclusive congregation. Our communal worship is the heart of the parish, the center of our life, our first school of spirituality, and the source from which our power flows. We reach out to the needy, near and far, through personal service and tithing of ordinary parish income. Our doors are open to welcome and support all cultures and people who are in need of spiritual, emotional, or physical healing. We seek to stand in solidarity with the poor and to work for social justice and peace.